Home NAAC HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR ROTARY & WHY - Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics


HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR ROTARY & WHY - Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

28-02-2022 | Workshop | Venue: APDCH - Mini Conference Hall

With the blessing of Padmashri sakthi Arulthiru Amma Avargal and Sakthi thirumathi Amma Avargal and with constanr support and encouragement form our Correspondent and with the able guidance of our beloved Principal. The Depatment of conservative dentistry and endodontics conducted a workshop on " HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR ROTARY & WHY" on February 28th 2022.Prof Dr.Narasimhan Bharadwaj MDS department of conservative and endodoctics Saveetha Dental college & Hospital was invited as speaker for the program. He gave an delightful lecture on Rotary endodontics which was followed by Handson workshop. The program was attended ny undergraduates, Postgraduates & faculty members with 19 registered participants for hands on course.

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