Student Council Member Meeting
29-10-2021 | General | Venue: APDCH campus
APDCH Student Council Members had a meeting on 29/10/2021 to discuss the role of the student council and student club in planning/ implementation of curricular, Co-curricular, Research, Innovative, ...
Patent & Copyright Filing
29-10-2021 | General | Venue: APDCH - Mini Conference Hall
The Department of Periodontics and Research committee conducted a research program on Patent and Copyright Filing. lecture given by Dr.Deepa patent attorney continued with discussion ...
PEDOFEAST 2021 virtual CDE program
28-10-2021 | Committee Activity | Venue: APDCH Lecture Hall
The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry conducted a virtual continuing dental education program PEDOFEAST 2021 on 28/10/2021 on Crowning Glory-Crown in Pediatric Dentistry. ...
ORAL PATHOLOGY - Slide discussion series for Postgraduates
28-10-2021 - 29-10-2021 | General
The Department of ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY APDCH conducted 2 days (28th and 29th Oct20201) slide discussion series program for postgraduate students to enhance and update their ...
28-10-2021 | General | Venue: APDCH campus
Prize winners! Quiz competition - Orthodontics We are excited to announce that our students 1. Miss Shanmugaeswari, 2. Miss Sakthi and 3. Miss Rubitha participated in a virtual quiz competition ...
TALENT Search - recruitment of new Staffs
26-10-2021 | General | Venue: IQAC room
The staff selection committee (SCC) of APDCH held its meeting on 26/10/2021 for the recruiting candidates for the vacant teaching and non-teaching post. Chairperson Correspondent Dr.T.Ramesh, ...
Women Empowerment Program
25-10-2021 | General | Venue: APDCH - Mini Conference Hall
On October 25, 2021, the APDCH's GS-CASH committee hosted a WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM for CRI, Post-graduate, and teaching and non-teaching staff. Prof.Dr. A Vasantha Kumari, Head of Department ...
Donate Hair Donate Hope !!!
24-10-2021 | General | Venue: Rotary club - Hubli Vidyanagar
Donate Hair Donate Hope !! As the month of October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness. The GSCASH committee of APDCH IN collaboration with the Rotary Club of Hubli and Pan college all over ...
APDCH Alumni Rewind
22-10-2021 | Cultural | Venue: APDCH - Platinum Jubilee Auditorium
APDCH ALUMNI REWIND which is the annual flagship event of our college was conducted on 22nd October 2021. XANTHROS the current CRI batch organized the event under the guidance of alumni and the ...
22-10-2021 | General | Venue: Tagore Dental College
8th Pre-clinical excellence competition was held at Tagore Dental College and Hospital on 22/10/2021. Five students from APDCH belonging to 3rd year BDS participated in the events. The participants ...